How to enrol

Expression of Interest for 2026

For families interested in securing a spot in 2026 please stay tuned for Expression of Interest form, to be released January 2025.

2025 Enrolments - NOW OPEN

If you want to book a place at WCOOSC in the 2025 school year, the first step to making a booking is to fill out an online enrolment form for your child. Please complete a separate form for each child you want to attend. Click here to apply.

  • We allocate permanent before and after school places in October for the following school year. Therefore, please make sure you have submitted your application by 30 September at the latest.

    You can enrol for vacation and casual care at anytime.

  • We allocate permanent places in October for the following school year.

    If you are applying for a place in the current school year or for vacation care we will be in touch ASAP, usually within 1-2 school days.

  • If your child does not get a place they will be placed on our waiting list.

    When a vacancy becomes available it is offered to families based on the Priority of Access Guidelines (see below). In addition, priority is given to siblings of enrolled children, providing there are no other children in a higher priority category on the waiting list.

  • When a vacancy becomes available it is offered to families based on the Priority of Access Guidelines prescribed by Department of Education, Skills and Employment (DESE). The Guidelines also apply to vacation care places.

    These Guidelines set out the following three levels of priority which child care services must follow when filling vacant places:

    Priority 1: A child at risk of serious abuse or neglect

    Priority 2: A child of a single parent who satisfies, or of parents who both satisfy, the work, training, study test under section 14 of the A New Tax System (Family Assistance) Act 1999

    Priority 3: Any other child

    Within these three main categories, the Guidelines also state that priority should be given to the following children:

    i. children in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families

    ii. children in families which include a person with a disability

    iii. children in families which include an individual whose adjusted taxable income does not exceed the lower income threshold or who or whose partner is on income support

    iv. children in families with a non-English speaking background

    v. children in socially isolated families

    vi. children of single parents

    In addition, priority is given to siblings of enrolled children providing there are no other children in a higher priority category on the waiting list.

    For further information on the Priority of Access Guidelines and other legislative requirements please refer to the Child Care Provide Handbook available at DESE’s website.

Have more questions? Call us on (02) 9389 3321.