Vacation care
How it works
Our vacation care program provides everything we do at before and after school care, with some extra fun for the holidays.
Vacation care program
We aim to release the vacation care program 3-4 weeks before the school holidays. Parents will be notified by email and via Xplor (our booking App) when vacation care is open for booking. The program will also be published on our website.
Booking vacation care
In order to book a place and receive notifications about vacation care you will need to enrol with WCOOSC.
Click below to enrol and for more information on how we allocate places.
Vacation care runs Monday to Friday in the school holidays from 7:30 am until 6:00 pm.
We are closed on Public Holidays and over the summer holidays, when we close to have a longer break. We re-open in the new year, usually 2 weeks before the new school term starts.
In the holidays we run daily incursions and excursions suitable for juniors (aged 5 to 7) and seniors (aged 8 to 12).
Examples of incursions:
Movie making
Foam party
Kapla Workshop
Reptile Raptor.
Examples of our excursions:
Go Karting
Royal Botanical Gardens
Children should come to vacation care with:
A hat
Water bottle
Packed lunch
Sunscreen applied
Any additional items requested for an incursion/excursion.
Incursions take place within Waverley Public School building and grounds. The location of our excursions varies.
Children are dropped off at the school hall and picked up at the WCOOSC counter, near the covered water fountains.
They need to be signed in and out by the person dropping them or collecting them.
Any person who is collecting your child must be listed as an authorised person with WCOOSC.